Saturday, June 2, 2012

Dance recital

We recently received a really fun and unusual project! Our customer, Jodi owns her own dance studio in Minnesota. She was holding her recital and wanted centerpieces to go with the theme of the dance numbers so she could feature a group photo of her girls.

This was a rush order so in order to get it to her without obscene shipping costs, we offered to send her just the skewers so she could put the centerpiece together herself in whatever item she wanted!

First she wanted our dinosaur centerpiece with an additional spot for a photo and the words "Walk the Dinosaur" and she sent us a picture of the costume so that we could match the centerpiece to it! :)

So without further ado, here is the centerpiece we came up with to match this adorable little outfit!

 We then added jeweled embellishments to the picture "frame"

And to the volcano featuring the dance group's initials "PDG" since the costume was very sparkly and fun!

Next up was a slightly older group of hip-hop girls doing a  dance to the song "G-Slide". This was our inspiration and she asked that we create some slides!

Well, I searched and searched and oddly enough there were no slides anywhere for me to cut, so I had to create them myself! It's a little hard to see in the photo, but we used a shimmery silver as the shadow to the slide and in the photo mat.

What a fun project to really stretch our creativity! Thank you SO much to Jodi in Minnesota! We hope she will send us photos of the finished products! :)
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