
Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday feel the love- DIY banners!

Tiffany is California is a crafty kind of mom! She wants to instill a love of creativity in her son and so she asked us to come up with some turkeys and leaves for her so she and her son could create a thanksgiving banner together. So cute!!

Well, for some reason the post office took OVER three weeks to deliver her package. Not really sure what the heck happened, so of course we felt TERRIBLE! (even though it wasn't our fault!)

So we shipped her some christmas trees, reindeer and other fun holiday items (on us!) so that they could also make a christmas banner together! :)  We sure hope we will get to see pics of the finished product!

Anyway, here is what she had to say about her experience with us!

"Thank you soo much!! My son was excited, for both shipments :)" -Tiffany in CA

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