
Saturday, October 13, 2012

It's a........

We had our ultrasound this week and foudn out the sex of our baby!!! As you know, I have a beautiful one and a half year old boy who is the highlight of my life! My husband and I only wanted a healthy, happy baby, the sex could have gone either way. Another boy would be great for my son to have a brother, but what mother doesn't want a little mini??? So.... the results are in and:

(of course I had to cut something...saying it just isn't enough!)
So we are expecting a little baby girl at the end of February! Now it's time to start decorating and shopping!!! The room is already a pale yellow so I think I'm going to do pale yellow and white lace or white ruffles. My mom may be making the curtian and bed skirt so I will keep you posted!

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