
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween to our readers! We recently had a Halloween party for our little ones in play group!
Here are some pics from the main event!
First we made a Halloween banner! (Way to go, Rachel! Super cute!!!)

We had a craft table for the mamas to make masks :) It was a little hectic with six toddlers and two newborns at the party, but once things died down a little, we were able to finally take a little time for the fun!

Little miss Natalie as Pebbles! <3 OMG, I can't even handle this outfit!!! Seriously, I die. We will give a shout out on Sunday for the fellow etsy shop where I got her costume! :)

and Mr. Wes man as........... Batman! Such a handsome little Bruce Wayne protege, eh?

 And the best part....... Again, well done Rachel!! personalized 'cupcake' toppers!!! Our playgroup meets in the morning so muffins seemed more appropriate. haha! So cute! A topper for each of the kiddos and their siblings too!!

Let us know how you spent YOUR Halloween and what your loved little cuties dressed up as too!! :)

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